Saturday, November 3, 2007

Free Cinna-Minnies and Friends Holiday Specials E-Book

Hello blog readers! Barbee and Friends Doll Clothes has a listing in one of my crafting friends' 2007 Christmas e-book which is free for downloading. I will post the banner here so you can download it. While you're at it, check out the various vendors, including yours truly, for some very nice specials! I won't tell you here what the special is that my site is offering, you will just have to download Rochelle's book and see for yourself. Keep in mind, my special runs through December 1 even though this book may be available longer than that. Don't forget, order early!

This year's e-book theme talks about having a cookie swap. Each vendor who participated in the cookie swap was asked to submit a tried and true Christmas cookie recipe. Maybe it's something that has been in the family for years, maybe the vendor makes it or maybe a family members makes it. Whichever it is, the cookie recipe has to trigger some wonderful holiday memories. Following each person's recipe, you'll find the information for their site and what kind of special they're offering. If you need some Barbie clothes, Ken clothes, some clothes for your Bratz doll or even a new Barbie or Bratz doll, look through Cinna-Minnies and Friends' e-book for my special.

Here is the banner you can click to get to the free download:

Rochelle would like for you to feel free to share this e-book with everyone you know who would love to have some great cookie ideas for some Christmas fun this year. An early Merry Christmas to all of you!

Don't forget, my highly recommended deadline for ordering from my site for Christmas gift giving is November 25. For any holiday falling sooner than that, please adjust the time accordingly. Right now, orders are backing up and it is sometimes taking a week just to get to someone's order and work on it. Please order early to avoid disappointment!