Hey I didn't think it had been THAT long since I wrote here last but time sure flies when you're busy. I have some great news to share so I thought I would write again. The fun and cool doll newsletter, Doll Diaries, that I subscribe to is having another giveaway. You can read all about it and how you can enter yourself. When you see that picture you'll see why it's my favorite costume on the website! Samantha (or JLY16) looks adorable wearing it!
For handmade Barbie doll clothes and handmade American Girl doll clothes, I would love to have you visit those two links which lead to my two sites. Please order early for gift giving purposes.
Good luck in the costume contest! I, ahem, am planning to win it myself but hey, if one of my wonderful blog readers wins it instead, I won't be too upset! My dolly girls know that I can make them something--but will I, lol. That's the keyword there since my time is spent making orders for earnings, sort of like the old story of the shoemaker's kids going shoeless. Have fun!